"Some people are like Slinkies... not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs."
You get interesting results when people ask what you are doing to lose weight. I generally tell them I am getting back in shape after all those years of making my couch cushions uneven, but sometimes I'll mention Ironman training. The most frustrating response is "I could probably do the bike and the run, but not the swim." Or the variants "I can swim and bike all day, but the run would be hard for me."
People tend to trivialize the rigors of the actual race. While you do get the occasional "I could never do that," inevitably you also invite the lack of respect to the actual distance from those who simply don't know better. Given that I know people who have done several Ironman distance races and still have had the occasional DNF, it just pains me to hear.
So to those "I could probably" people out there...
1. Swim 2.4 miles. Do it with your eyes closed most of the way and either with 2600 of your closest friends or with a group of people beating you with pillow polo sticks along the way. Pull your goggles off several times and, oh yeah, do it within a time limit max of 2:20. Drowning is strictly frowned upon.
2. Bike 112 miles. In a row. Fairly fast. Regardless of weather. After you perform the above swim. Try to eat/drink and mentally calculate how many calories, electrolytes, and how much fluid you need to intake based on weather conditions so you don't cramp up. Pace yourself knowing that you need to bank energy for the marathon immediately following. Wonder if your crotch will ever really be the same. Give yourself a flat tire or two for fun in the middle of the course or have something just go wrong with your bike.
3. Run 26.2 miles. After the swim and bike. Pray your nutrition intake on the bike was satisfactory. Give yourself some blisters to make it interesting and add some chafing in random areas from the previous hours on end of movement. Figure out how to make your legs move after they have been rotating from that many hours right off the bike. Lock up a muscle or two for kicks and, oh yeah, finish before midnight or you are technically not a "finisher."
Hey, I'm not saying I can do ANY of the above yet, but I sure as heck have respect for what awaits me... I'm just happy I have the support of my family in this quest.
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